April 2023: Towards a tunable laser in the Terahertz range.

Researchers have succeeded in generating an intense photon emission, tunable over the entire Terahertz frequency range, by both the magnetic field and the electron density present in the material under study. This discovery opens up the possibility of developing a compact laser source with a constant magnetic field, tunable over the entire Terahertz spectrum by adjusting only a gate voltage. More details.
Caption: Cyclotron emission rays from Dirac fermions in a HgTe/CdHgTe quantum well, as a function of magnetic field. The different curves refer to different photon energies, corresponding to frequencies from 250 GHz to 3.1 THz. This family of curves shows indirectly that the energy of the emitted photons varies continuously with the applied magnetic field. Charles Coulomb Laboratory
January 2023: Nature Photonics: Terahertz cyclotron emission of two-dimensional Dirac fermions.
Landau emission from Dirac fermions in graphene-like HgTe quantum wells is experimentally demonstrated. The emission is shown to be tunable by both the magnetic field and the carrier concentration. these results represent an advance in the realization of terahertz Landau lasers tunable by a magnetic field and gate voltage. More details.
February 28, 2022: Article in Physics World: Experimental evidence found for long-distance intermolecular forces
Experimental evidence of long-range attractive forces between cellular proteins has been obtained by researchers in France more than 50 years after the idea was first proposed. The forces are mediated by electromagnetic radiation, and they could explain how molecules find their targets inside the crowded interiors of living cells. More details.
May 16-19, 2022: French German Terahertz Conference
The conference brings together French and German scientists and students working in all fields of THz science and technology. It will take place by the sea, nearby Montpellier, in La Grande Motte, France, from 16th to 19th May. More details.
16/02/2022: Article in Science Advances
Experimental evidence for long-distance electrodynamic intermolecular forces Science Adv. 8, eabl5855 (2022).
November 2020: The multilayer structure of sunflower leaves revealed by Terahertz waves
A new non-contact, non-invasive method for analyzing the multilayer structure of leaves, based on pulsed terahertz spectroscopy, has been developed. More details
28/10/2020: The European LINkS project
The LINkS (Long-range electrodynamic INteractions between proteinS) project was selected from among 877 proposals submitted to the Horizon 2020 FET-Open call for projects "Challenging Current Thinking".The project, led by Jérémie Torres of IES, aims to structure scientific activity around the biophysics and dynamics of proteins, in our local environment and beyond. More details
28/08/2020: PRIME@MUSE funding

With the support of the Occitanie Region and MUSE, the TOP platform has received PRIME funding to set up the tools needed to study the fight against drought.More details
07/10/2019: Article in Nature Photonics
Suppressed Auger scattering and tunable light emission of Landau-quantized massless Kane electrons Nature Photonics (2019).
06/27/2019: Platform Award at BioEM conference to Yoann

This prize was awarded on Friday 28 June 2019 to Yoann Meriguet, a second year doctoral student funded by the Occitanie Region for his presentation on " Collective oscillations of proteins proven by terahertz spectroscopy in aqueous media during the prestigious Bio-EM conferenceheld from 23 to 28 June 2019 in Montpellier.
11/04/2019. Phys. Rev. B: massless Dirac fermions in III-V semiconductor-based quantum wells.
Massless Dirac fermions in III-V semiconductor quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 99, 121405 (R) (2019)
23/10/2018. Physical Review X:
Out-of-equilibrium collective oscillation as phonon condensation in a model proteinnalog, Phys.Rev.X, 2018
07/02/2018. Editor's highlight in Phys. Rev. Lett: Topological phase transition in HgTe quantum wells.
Temperature-induced topological phase transition in HgTe quantum wells, Physical Review Letters
08/11/2017. Detecting THz waves at room temperature with graphene
Terahertz Detection and Imaging Using Graphene Ballistic Rectifiers, Nano Letters, 17(11), pp 7015-7020, 2017