

The TOP platform is led by Férédic Teppe (L2C) and Jérémie Torres (IES).

The project of the joint TeraHertz Spectroscopy team and the TeraHertz Platform is the result of long-term collaboration between the teams of the Insitut d'Électronique du Sud and the Charles Coulomb Laboratory doing research in the spectroscopy of the THz frequency domain. This project is part of an (inter)national context of grouping together research and interdisciplinary research development centres.
The Montpellier site is one of the few French sites to have all the necessary skills to develop a research activity focused on THz technologies, as evidenced by more than 400 publications since 2001 and technology transfer activities with the creation of a start-up Terakalis (ex-T-Waves Technologies).

If the THz platform is the result of pooling the THz activities of the Laboratoire Charles Coulomb and the Institut d'Électronique et des Systèmes, it will significantly increase the interaction between the fields of

  • Physics,
  • Electronics
  • Biology
  • Agronomy
  • Health

by bringing together different local players on a theme dedicated to the study of Life.

The work already carried out highlights the interest of new spectroscopic techniques implemented using the know-how within the MIPS community (The Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Systems Scientific Department at the University of Montpellier) on electronic and optoelectronic systems at THz frequencies.

The missions of the joint Terahertz Spectroscopy team:

  • explore new scientific and technological avenues to design and improve tomorrow's THz components and systems;
  • coordinate THz research in the Occitanie region;
  • to provide a showcase for French research and development in the THz field;
  • stimulate interest in these technologies among local and national manufacturers, and help them integrate them into their R&D strategies;
  • train a new generation of students in the Occitanie region, from undergraduates to PhD, in these new themes.